Table of contents
  1. Updating value in iterrow for pandas
  2. pd[‘column_name’].astype(bool)
  3. pandas.DataFrame.sort_values
  4. pandas.DataFrame.values
  5. pandas.concat
  6. df.isnull
  7. df.values
  8., na_action=None)[source]
  9. pd.iloc[?]
  10. df.isin :Select rows based on column that in or not in the value list

Updating value in iterrow for pandas

有时需要在df.iterrows()中对某一个cell的值进行修改。此时会出现error, 如下所示

for i, row in df_pending.iterrows():
    worksheet = str(row['Work Sheet']).strip()
    panel = str(row['Test']).strip()
    if panel.startswith('NGS'):
        df_pending.loc[i]['Test'] = 'Some Value'

# Error message:
# /tmp/ipykernel_457822/ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
# A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame

此时应该使用df_pending.loc[i,'Test']="Some Value" 来进行修改

还有一种方法可以对Dataframe中cell的值进行修改,使用at or iat如下:

# Now let's update cell value with index 2 and Column age
# We will replace value of 45 with 40[2,'age']=40


有时需要根据某一列中的值删除列。例如 Id 列中有 empty string ‘’,那么使用 df.dropna(subset='Id') 并不管用,此时可以使用 ·pd[pd[‘Id’].astype(bool)]· 来删除不想要的rows。


可以对dataframe 的某一列进行排序。当对查看某个dataframe中的缺失值时非常有用,例如:

pd.options.display.min_rows = 80 # 强行让pd显示80行

train_data.isna().sum().sort_values(ascending=False) # 排列缺失值


返回numpy 值,不过官方推荐使用DataFrame.to_numpy()


biochem1_ref_1 = df_biochem1['ref_1'].values
# covert dataframe to numpy matrix
biochem1_first_circle_matrix = df_biochem1[['A_1','C_1','G_1','T_1']].to_numpy()


pandas.concat(objs, axis=0, join=’outer’, ignore_index=False, keys=None, levels=None, names=None, verify_integrity=False, sort=False, copy=True)

objs: a sequence or mapping of Series or DataFrame objects


pd.concat([s1, s2])


df.isnull() 会查看每个cell中是否存在missing value。如果是NaN则返回True,otherwise return False。然后可以使用df.isnull().sum()对每一列的missing value 求和。

df.isnull().sum() : This way, we can count the number of missing values per column.


Return a Numpy representation of the DataFrame.

sklearn 中主要是对numpy的数据进行处理。现在sklearn中很多function都可以支持pandas。所以如果可以转化为numpy则尽量转化为numpy后再使用sklearn。, na_action=None)[source]

使用map对dataframe中的数据进行转化。例如将categorical values转化为interger values。

arg : a dictionary

size_mapping = {
df['size'] = df['size'].map(size_mapping)


使用pd.iloc可以像numpy那样对dataframe进行分割。starting from 0

pd.iloc[:,1:] # 第二列之后的所有列

pd.iloc[:,0] # 第1列

df.isin :Select rows based on column that in or not in the value list

#filter dataframe with list that the value in the list
df_runID_results_dropna = df_runID_results_dropna[df_runID_results_dropna['idType'].str.upper().isin(check_idTypes)] # check_idTypes is a list like['A','B','C']

# filter dataframe with list that the value not in the list
df_runID_results_dropna = df_runID_results_dropna[~df_runID_results_dropna['caseNo'].str.upper().isin(remove_caseNo)]