Table of contents
  1. How to use bwa index
  2. The arrangement of process
  3. How to use the same file twice in two following process
  4. How to know the command that you should use in the docker container
  5. How to use docker container in nextflow
  6. How to use python script in nextflow process

How to use bwa index

bwa index is the former step to use the command bwa mem. If you’d like to use multiple times of bwa meme, and every time you use bwa index at the same process. If the reference genome is big, it will take a long time. So we need to reuse the index like below

process bwa_index {
    publishDir 'output'
    container "staphb/bwa:latest"
        path ref from ref_ch7
        file 'chr1_GL383518v1_alt.fa.*' into bwa_index // we use `chr1_GL383518v1_alt.fa.*` to refer all the output files with the same prefix name

    bwa index $ref

process reAlign_bwa {
    publishDir 'output'
    container "staphb/bwa:latest"
        file new_read1 from deplex_read1_ch
        file new_read2 from deplex_read2_ch
        path ref from ref_ch5
        file '*' from bwa_index // we use '*' to refer all files in the Channel, thus this process folder will contain all the index files
        // path path_ref from ref_path
        file 'realign.bam' into realign_ch

    bwa mem $ref $new_read1 $new_read2 > realign.bam

The arrangement of process

Recently I always got the error that said there’s no such file that the command need to use. And I checked the output publishDir and found that the file existed in the folder. The process complains the error again and again. nextflow error

error reason

From the above picture, You can see that there’s noly one process failed. And it complains that some file didn’t exist. We should figure out where this setence means the file not exists. And at last I know that the place means the process folder, not the publishDir folder. See the first column of the executor. The first column is the position of this process like [2a/0cbbf7]. 2a is folder name in the work folder like below. 0cbbf7 is the subfolder. All the files this process needed are stored here. arrange work

process create_index {
    publishDir 'output'
    container "staphb/samtools:latest"

        path ref from ref_ch3

        file 'chr1_GL383518v1_alt.fa.fai' into fai_ch

    samtools faidx $ref


Now let’s see the failed process collectHsMetrics. It needs “chr1_GL383518v1_alt.fa.fai”. But it donesn’t exist in the process folder (align.bam chr1_GL383518v1_alt.fa list.interval_list). So we need to add it through the input like below

process collectHsMetrics {
    publishDir 'output'
    container 'broadinstitute/picard:latest'

        // file bed from bed_ch
        file align_bam from align_ch2
        path ref from ref_ch4
        file interval from interval_ch
        file index from fai_ch
        file "output_hs_metrics.txt"

    java -jar /usr/picard/picard.jar CollectHsMetrics -I $align_bam -O output_hs_metrics.txt -R $ref -BAIT_INTERVALS list.interval_list -TARGET_INTERVALS list.interval_list


we added the index through the input file index from fai_ch. And you can generate the index in another process and just place it into a channel. So this process can get it throuh the channel.

Note: you should specify all the input files that you need to use in the command line. Because each process has a process folder, all the files that this process needed are saved in the process folder.

How to use the same file twice in two following process

Assign this file to different channels. And then you can use the file twice in the following channels.

process p1 {
    file 'hello_world.txt' into ch_a
    file 'hello_world.txt' into ch_b

process p2 {
    file welcome from ch_a

process p3 {
    file welcome from ch_b

How to know the command that you should use in the docker container

  1. In the docker hub, search the image name and hit the tags. For example this address use picard.
  2. From the IMAGE LAYERS, you may find a varialbe named WORKDIR. In the picard, the WORKDIR is WORKDIR /usr/picard
  3. In the terminal, try sudo docker run broadinstitute/picard:latest java -jar /usr/picard/picard.jar FastqToSam to test the command
  4. If the above method can not determine the command. Then you need to use the docker interface to try and find the command that you can use
  5. sudo docker run -it container. Check folders like /usr/ and /usr/bin and /bin

How to use docker container in nextflow

  1. install docker on Ubuntu. Please refer this Website
  2. create a new environment through conda : conda create -n nextflow python=3.8
  3. activate the nextflow environment: conda activate nextflow
  4. install nextflow through conda : conda install -c bioconda nextflow
  5. create a nextflow.config file in the current project. About the nextflow.config file please refer Official Website
  6. write docker setting in nextflow.config file. refer this link.If you’d like to use more different containers then you should write the nextflow.config like below. fastq2bam and bam2vcf are the process names that you defined in the nextflow file. Within the {}, define the container that you want to use. And you also need to make docker {enabled=true}. Please refer this website ```nextflow process { withName:fastq2bam { container = ‘python:3.8’ }

    withName:bam2vcf { container = ‘zlskidmore/fgbio:latest’ } }

docker { enabled = true } ```

  1. If you run the nextflow file now. You’ll get the error. Because you can’t run the docker directly. If you’d like to run docker in the terminal. Then you should use sudo, like sudo docker run container. In this case, we don’t want to use sudo to run the docker. So we need to do the following stuff. Please refer this website
  2. Create the docker group: sudo groupadd docker
  3. Add your user to the docker group : sudo usermod -aG docker ${USER}. Here ${USER} refer to the current user. Try echo ${USER} to show the current user name
  4. You would need to loog out and log back in so that your group membership is re-evaluated or type the following command: su -s ${USER}
  5. Verify that you can run docker commands without sudo. docker run hello-world . If this command run successfully, then you can use the docker container in the nextflow now.

How to use python script in nextflow process

Channel.fromPath("/home/user/projects/nextflow/nf-training-public/nf-training/chr1_GL383518v1_alt.fa").into{file_ch ; bar; fool}
file_path = Channel.fromPath("/home/user/projects/nextflow/nf-training-public/nf-training/chr1_GL383518v1_alt.fa")
folder_path = projectDir

println folder_path
bar.subscribe {println it}
fool.view{"fool emit: " +it}
// fool.view()

process test_python {
    publishDir 'out'
        path x from file_ch
        val path_file from file_path

        stdout result
        file 'output.txt'

    from pathlib import Path

    path_x = Path('$path_file')

    with open('$x', 'r') as f:
        list_line = f.readlines()


    with open('output.txt', 'w') as f:


result.subscribe {println it}
  1. if you want to assign the channel to multiple variables in nextflow, you can use into operator
  2. If you just want to assign one variable just use equal sign =
  3. projectDir can be used to as the UnixPath variable. It point to the folder where the nextflow script located in. And you can use it to specify other files in the same folder like '$folder_path/hello_world.txt'
  4. println folder_path is to print the varilabe. If you’d like to print some value for confirmation, then you can use println directly
  5. If you want to see the value of Channel, then you’d have to use subscribe and view.
  6. If you want to use view to show the content of the Channel, then you use (). If you’d like to use some pattern, then use {'some pattern :'+it}
  7. define the nextflow process using keyword process like process process_name { content }
  8. publishDir 'out' : here nextflow will create a folder named “out” if there’s no such folder int the projectDir. and all the output files that you define in the output will be saved in the “out” folder.
  9. define input variables through keyword input. There are 7 qualifiers in input: val, env, file, path, stdin, tuple, each. More detailed information please check website. input qualifier
  10. path x from file_ch: here file_ch is a channel. And the qualifier of the x is path, thus it will contain all the UnixPath format information. Here if we replace the qualifier with file, then it will only contain the file name. Acually it will only contain the stem of the filename like ‘Hell_world’ from ‘Hello_world.txt’.
  11. define output variables through keyword output. the qualifiers of output as shown below. Here file 'output.txt' must be used in the python script. And the name must be kept same. Otherwise, nextflow will confuse and show errors. output qualifier
  12. If you’d like to show the results on the terminal, then you need to use stdout. Actually in stdout result, the result acts as a channel that all the print stuff in the python script or other stuff show up in the terminal will be sent to the result as a queue. Thus we can use view or subscribe to show the content of the channel.
  13. In the script, we need to specify the python environment through #!
  14. Actually the variables in the current process or the variables in the nextflow head part can be accessed through '$variable'. Please remember that we use '' or "" to enclose the variable.