ICGC Data Portal

It contains the gene profile

NIH resources

In NIH, some good resources that about:

  1. DNA-Seq analysis pipeline
  2. copy number variation (CNV) pipeline

If you have time, then it’s a good place to go through some basic concepts and workflow. The good point it that, it has the command line to tell you how to use the software.

How to install illumina bcl-convert software in Ubuntu

illumina has bcl-convert packages for centos. We have ubuntu OS. thus there is the solution to use the centos package in ubuntu.

rpm2cpio ./bcl-convert-3.9.3-2.el7.x86_64.rpm | cpio -idmv

- resource description for dbsnp and clinvar

- dbsnp resourec donwload

- clinvar resource donwload




生物星球-solid tumor 介绍

FDA drugs

This website contain the FDA drugs and biomarkers

PharmGKB website

This website contain detailed information about drug labeling. Need to read the infor in detail

How to define the Tier Level

Clinical Annotation Levels of Evidence