Table of contents
  1. I’ll clue you in.
  2. I refuse to get defensive about this.
  3. your best bet is bala bala
  4. The fallout from this revelation can be expected to continue well into the next chapter.
  5. What’s the big deal then?
  6. You can’t leave me in suspense.
  7. Who are you trying to kid?
  8. Better off just using subqueries?
  9. I’m a little shaky with my SQL.

I’ll clue you in.


To provide someone with important or exclusive information about something: I hoped my friend who worked for a senator would clue me in to what the government was planning to do.

I refuse to get defensive about this.


your best bet is bala bala


The fallout from this revelation can be expected to continue well into the next chapter.

fallout : 后果 revelation:披露

What’s the big deal then?


You can’t leave me in suspense.

suspense: 悬念


Who are you trying to kid?


Better off just using subqueries?


I’m a little shaky with my SQL.

我对我的SQL水平不太自信 shaky : 不稳固的,不可靠的。